A Sunday Well Spent…

A Sunday Well Spent Brings A Week Of Content… So they say.

Here at CC HQ it was an early start on the admin. A little tweaking of the rota for next week, there’s always some last minute changes. One client changing as they’re getting their carpets cleaned, another having got a last minute hospital appointment. Having mainly domestic clients on our books, it’s just the way the cookie crumbles and we do like to accommodate any changes as best we can.

I am by no means complaining! This is my baby and I love working on it. I love change and I love the way this business if forever changing.

I can’t believe we’re heading into our third full week this year already! We hit the ground running on 6th January and we literally haven’t stopped since.

We have welcomed back existing clients who took a Christmas break from us, welcomed new clients to our services and welcomed new team members. So needless to say there’s been a lot of changes, a lot of getting to know new spaces, new routines, new faces and doing what we love the most…. GROWING & SUCCEEDING

With the admin out of the way, it’s time to focus on self and family. We had our house cleaned by the team on Friday so cleaning at home hasn't been an issue this weekend but I do like to get everything boxed off ready to start a fresh week. So we still have chores to do… There’s laundry… This week Sunday is our laundry day… (That’s my sector)… Hubby does not get involved haha

So we have the tumble drier rocking round, bedding swishing in the washing machine, whites waiting to load, piles of clothes to be put away, breakfast cooking away, a movie on the TV…. and you know what, if this doesn’t make you feel content, what does?

Yesterday we had a new sofa delivered and my days, it’s a game changer… I’d say it’s the little things but a new sofa is a pretty BIG THING and boy did good choosing it (hubby chose it… shopping tends to be his department)

With the new sofa taking center stage in the living room, we now need new accessories to adorn it…. so a shopping trip to The Range or Dunelm (maybe both) will be on the cards this afternoon….

Along with a nice roast dinner… YUM YUM

So our contented Sunday consists of getting the whole house ship shape and in order, making a few home improvements and spending time together resting and eating well.

Oh and more laundry later when one of my team members brings back the laundry from two holiday lets we’re servicing…. good thing I love doing laundry!!

But yes all in all a very chilled contented Sunday….

Ready for the new week ahead…. How are you spending your Sunday?


WOW… what a ride


The Calm Before The Storm