WOW… what a ride

Wow! The last two weeks have been INSANE for Crystal Clean!!! πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

After a partial downsize of our workload over the two week Xmas period, we hit the ground running on Monday 6th January... while catching up with existing clients, we took on plenty new and alongside that, we also had to take on more pairs of hands!.... WOW and I literally feel as though it's our sheer velocity in expanding that's whipped up this storm the UK is suffering right now. πŸ™ˆπŸ€£πŸ€£

For the first time EVER we welcomed new clients at the same time as new team members and got better results than ever! This is all down to the solid foundations of the business, training, procedures and well what can I say?!?!?! Taking the best team members on and having the best clients!

Proud business mummy moment here to say the least... next week I can simmer down a bit and let the cogs we've set in motion carry on and nicely turn.. 

Has it been stressful?!?! Tbh I've been thinking about hiding in a hole... 🀣🀣🀣
I've been meeting myself coming back but I'd say it's meant to be, it hasn't affected my eating pattern, it hasn't affected my sleep..  I couldn't continue another two weeks the same (just yet) but I'll be back for more for sure


Love the relationships I have with my clients (& my teambers have with them too)

It's a very positive place to be in... I'm that happy, I'm scared of it going wrong... but I'm grateful for it all... I dont know when my next day of will be so it's a good thing I love what I do and all I can do is keep on pushing and striving to deliver excellence β™₯️β™₯οΈπŸ’―


Can we slow down? Hell NOOOOOO


A Sunday Well Spent…